Our Leos got a chance to welcome and Interact with the International Lions President Lion Jitsuhiro Yamada When he visited Kenya on 29th November 2015.
Leo Anchal give a Bouquet to the International Lions President
The International Lions President Lion Yamada delivers his speech
Leo Nell gives a vote thanks
Leos prepare lunch for the orphans
Leo Pooja, Leo Kavisha, Leo Priya bond with an abandoned baby orphan
Leo Dev clearing tall overgrown grass in the orphanage compound
Leo Swalihah, Leo Amrit with Mrs Wason getting ready
Leo Bandana hands over Pads to poor girls of Kibra Slums
Leo Anchal and Leo Nell giving pads to poor girls of Kibra Slums
Leo Yash helping in the wheel chair race
Leo Khushali and leo Parth assist a blind student to race
Our Principal Lion Gill and Lion Githinji hand over a winning price to a mentally handicapped winner