BOG Members and Senior Administrators Pose for a Joint Photo with the Chief Guest Mr. Atul Parmar (Md—Saj Ceramics Ltd) Shortly After Signing the Visitors Book
From Left Mrs. Lizzy Sabu (Deputy Head, Senior School & College), Mrs. E. Sharma (Chief Principal), Mr. Punit Bhudia (BOG, Secretary), Mr. Ramji D. Varsani (SAMAJ Chairman), Mr. Atul Parmar (MD—Saj Ceramics Ltd), Mr. Dhirajlal N. Ratna (BOG, Chairman), Mrs. Dhanvanti Patel (BOG, Treasurer), Mr. Ramesh Hirani (BOG, Vice Chairman), and Mr. Vijay Sharma (Head, Senior School & College)
BOG members, Senior Administrators, Teachers, Parents and Graduands pose for a joint photo shortly after the graduation ceremony.
Mr. Ramji D. Varsani (SAMAJ Chairman) presenting
a bouquet of flowers to the Chief Guest
Mrs. Dhanvanti Patel (BOG, Treasurer), presented with a bouquet of flowers
Mr. Ramji D. Varsani (SAMAJ Chairman) and Mr.
Dhirajlal N. Ratna (BOG, Chairman), pose for a joint
photo during the ceremony.
Remarks by Mr. Vijay Sharma (Head, Senior School & College)