School BOG Members Presiding over the Award Ceremony for the Top Achievers: Soccer Boys Under 9 and Under 11 Tournament, National Cricket Competitions, World Scholar’s Cup and Science Fair.

From Left Mr. Meghji Varsani (BOG Member), Mr. Nanji Hirani (BOG Member), Mr. Manish Dabasia (BOG
Member), Mrs. Hansa Vekaria (BOG Member), Mrs. Hansa Varsani (BOG Asst. Secretary), Mr. Dhirajlal N.
Ratna (BOG Chairman), Mr. Ramji D. Varsani (SAMAJ Chairman) Mr. Punit Bhudia (BOG Secretary), and
Mrs. E. Sharma (Chief Principal).
Speeches by BOG Members and the Administration
KSEF – Special Assembly (Secondary Section) Held on May 9th 2023
Bog Members Presenting Awards and Certificates to Top Achievers of Kenya Secondary Schools Science and Engineering Fair National Competitions Held on April 24th to 28th, 2023 at Kisumu Girls High School Kisumu.
The School won Top Positions in the following Categories:
- Best-Mixed School
- School with most entries
- Best School Overall
BOG Members Presenting Awards And Certificates To Top Achievers Of Kenya Secondary Schools Science And Engineering Fair Regional Competitions Held On April 12th, 2023 At Moi Girls High School Nairobi.